Hoch-Ybrig – Weglosen

Level All levels (only children from 6 years)
Meeting point Weglosen valley station
Registration Reservation required. Book online, reserve by mail, telephone or in the ski school office.
Lesson times Monday to Friday. 09.30 am – 15.00 pm (In week 52 and week 1 only from Wednesday to Friday possible)
Mon. - Fri., from 5 pers. (excl. ski pass) Price
3 Days 343,00
4 Days 368,00
5 Days 398,00
Extension ticket for the 3- or 4-day course per day 24.00 CHF
4 days SB Weglosen 23./24.12 and 26./27.12.24 Price
4 days SB Weglosen 30./31.12.24 and 02./03.01.25 Price
3 days Flex SB Weglosen Price
Our 3-day flex course starts on Mondays, you can choose the other two days flexibly.
Please indicate the two course days you would like in the comment.
Information on booking a course

Despite a lead time of 2 days when you book online, it is always possible to register by telephone.


If you would like a different starting day than Monday, please send an email to info(at)skischulehochybrig.ch


Group lessons take place regardless of the weather conditions.


Complete beginners may start in group courses only on Mondays (otherwise we recommend that beginners take private lessons).

Swiss Snow League

Blue League

Wheelie, switch or fifty/fifty are terms you know? Our experienced snowboard instructors accompany you from the real basics to sliding turns and then onto the first cool tricks on the slope. The main thing is always to discover something new, to learn and to have fun.

Blue Prince/Princess

Blue King/Queen

Blue Star


Meeting point Weglosen valley station
Lesson times 9.30 am – 3 pm

In the Red League classes you all improve your style. You practise new types of turns and then progress right up to carving. You also expand your repertoire of slopes and air tricks. Several of our snowboard instructors stand by as coaches and show you their coolest tricks.

Red Prince/Princess

Red King/Queen

Red Star


Meeting point Weglosen valley station
Lesson times 9.30 am – 3 pm

You want more challenges and to steal your family's show? Learn from our best snowboard instructors and bring in your own ideas. With specific tips you will perfectionize your skills and develop your own style.

Swiss Snow Academy


Meeting point Weglosen valley station
Lesson times 9.30 am – 3 pm